The roadmap to combating Alzheimer’s with a proper diet
Discover the essential foods and lifestyle habits to combat Alzheimer's and enhance cognitive well-being.
Discover the essential foods and lifestyle habits to combat Alzheimer's and enhance cognitive well-being.
New research by Amsterdam UMC with Alzheimer's Nederland shows that many people with cognitive symptoms want to know whether they are in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
US researchers have developed a novel Artificial Intelligence-based tool that has shown 90 per cent accuracy in detecting Alzheimer's disease from routinely collected clinical brain images.
The findings of recent research suggest that six minutes of high-intensity exercise could extend the lifespan of a healthy brain and delay the onset of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
New research has revealed that the tau protein, which is important in the development of Alzheimer's disease, is also involved in normal learning processes in the healthy brain, potentially providing a target for future drug therapies.
Researchers at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome and the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that a single mechanism may underlie the damaging effect of cholesterol on the brain and on blood vessels.
Higher coffee intake also seemed to be linked to slowing the accumulation of the amyloid protein in the brain, a key factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease.
The drugs work by blocking the action of inflammation-fueling Janus kinase proteins, suspected to play a role in Alzheimer's disease and known for their role in autoimmune conditions.
In order to increase the number of correctly identified Alzheimer's cases, the researchers have now introduced the two-tier diagnostic method.
For the study, the team trained their algorithms using data from more than 800 people ranging from normal healthy seniors to those experiencing mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease patients.