


Gen X, Z inclined towards altruism: Study

"There is a scope improvement in the area of hand and product sanitization as only 86 per cent of respondents said they are sanitizing their hands or things as a measure to stay healthy and happy. This does requires a concerted effort from all of us to raise the bar of personal hygiene further."

Rewards of Altruism~II

Societal and normative conformity and compliance beyond an acceptable point and at the expense of our individuality are definitely not advisable. Many of the shining examples of success amidst us are of the rebels and iconoclasts who have believed in their convictions and continued with their ways without being overly worried or hooked to societal acceptance and appreciation.

Power of Altruism

The word “altruism” is derived from the Latin word alter, which means “other.” Auguste Comte, who is regarded as the…