


Amazon UK trains Alexa to offer advice on periods

In a bid to encourage more families to have open conversations around menstruation, Amazon UK has trained its virtual assistant technology Alexa on how to give advice to manage periods, the e-commerce company said.

Amazon accused of violating kids’ privacy with Alexa

Reacting to the allegations, the e-commerce giant said it not only worked closely with organisations like the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) while developing Echo Dot Kids Edition but also followed industry's best practices for securing verifiable parental consent. "Specific to Echo Dot Kids Edition and FreeTime on Alexa, we want you to know that Kid skills in Amazon FreeTime do not collect personal information and we require verifiable parental consent from all customers before enabling FreeTime on Alexa," Amazon wrote in a blog post.

The incredible story of Alexa

Beaten and left with a broken leg, a few months old Alexa needed medical attention and a lot of help to be back on her four feet. She got everything, and how!