What do women want? What do they really want? Statesman Features spoke to some young women professionals who have their own money thus security, to not really want anything major.
Though the usual wants for the deprived women would be a concrete roof over their heads, a healthy bank balance and a loving partner, what would a privileged women really wish for just a day?
Tanisha Mukherjee, a beautiful thirty something content writer wishes, ” For every woman including myself to stay courageous and embrace any challenge that comes through and to build our own unique identity.”
Not just for a day. She adds, ” As a woman I would wish every woman to stay strong and resilient since they are the pillars of strength in every family.”
Sneha Dasgupta, 25, holding an MBA in Human Resources and Marketing and working as Functional Consultant of a leading IT company, wants “Men to experience menstrual pain, forget labour, just for a day to understand why women have violent mood swings during this period. ”
It is not ‘nyakra’ (fuss) when women writhe in pain she says.
Agnijita Ganguly, a lecturer in media studies at a private media college sums it up by saying, “A wish to not feel so lonely every time we voice our struggles and try to fight against the daily struggles.”
A wish to have the men actually understand what we have to go through and that the lived experiences of men and women are different and that this difference is for real!
To this there was a general consensus among women, on having only “women’s night” day, so that they enjoy nightlife without any fear or threats. Women can pretty much look after themselves, what they need is protection from forces who profess to ‘protect’ them but often fail to do so.
So the men out there – introspect, think, reflect. You have your work cut out.