

Teachers’ Day: Celebrating the heart and soul of education

As part of Teachers’ day celebration, we spoke with students and teachers to understand what Teachers’ Day means to them.

Teachers’ Day: Celebrating the heart and soul of education

(Photo: Getty Images)

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion celebrated across India to honour and appreciate the contributions of educators who play a crucial role in shaping the future of students. Observed annually on 5 September, the day marks the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a teacher, philosopher and former President of India. It is a day for students to express their gratitude, respect and admiration for their teachers, who dedicate their lives to imparting knowledge and guiding them through life’s challenges. The significance of Teachers’ Day extends beyond formal recognition; it is a celebration of the enduring bond between students and teachers, reflecting the great impact that education has on society.

As part of this celebration, we spoke with students and teachers to understand what Teachers’ Day means to them.

Arnita Bhattacharjee, student, Class 6, South Point High School


“Teachers’ Day is a special occasion dedicated to honouring and showing respect to our teachers. I believe this day is crucial because our teachers work tirelessly throughout the year to guide and support us. They not only teach us academics but also help us develop values and skills that shape our future. Having a dedicated day makes them feel appreciated and valued for all their hard work. Last year was my first experience attending a Teachers’ Day celebration at school when I was in Class 5. Before that, we used to have holidays on Teachers’ Day, so I didn’t really understand the significance of the day. But when I participated in the celebration, I realised how much effort goes into making our teachers feel special. We organised a programme that included dance performances, songs, recitations and speeches. It was an exciting day filled with joy and togetherness. I remember the happiness on our teachers’ faces as we performed for them; it was a moment of pride for all of us. I look forward to this year’s celebration, where we can once again show our teachers how much they mean to us.”

Seema Chatterjee, teacher, Mongrace Montessori House, Park Street, Kolkata

“This is the day when teachers like us are celebrated and appreciated by our students, making it truly special. In my experience, the programmes that students organise are filled with warmth and thoughtfulness. One of my most cherished memories as a student was when we used to organise similar programmes for our teachers. Back then, all the students would pool in money to buy food and gifts for our teachers, and we would arrange a small but heartfelt programme. It was a simple yet meaningful way to express our gratitude. Over the years, I’ve noticed that Teachers’ Day celebrations have evolved. Nowadays, students bring flowers, handmade cards and gifts, showing their appreciation in more visible ways. While these gestures have become more elaborate, I believe that the essence of respect and love for teachers remains unchanged.”

Ahana Das, student, Class 8, Narayana Group of Schools, Sonapur

“Teachers’ Day holds special significance because it’s dedicated to appreciating the crucial role teachers play in our lives. While we might not express our gratitude every day, Teachers’ Day gives us the perfect opportunity to do so through our celebrations. For me, this day is a reminder of how much our teachers contribute to our growth, not just academically but also personally. I had a recent experience that made this even clearer. My chemistry teacher, who I admired greatly, left the school recently. Chemistry was a subject I struggled with, but thanks to his patient teaching and encouragement, I began to understand and even enjoy it. More than just academic help, he also boosted my confidence, helping me grow as a person. His departure was a big loss for me, but I’m grateful for everything he taught me. On Teachers’ Day, I think of him and all the other teachers who have made a difference in my life.”

Piyali Mandal, teacher, B.D.M. International School

“One of the most fulfilling aspects of Teachers’ Day for me is hearing from my former students. Many of them, now grown up with families of their own, send me messages on this day. Each message brings immense happiness and a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that I have played a part in their journey and that they remember me fondly. Reflecting on my own school days, Teachers’ Day was celebrated in a unique and memorable way. Students would take on the roles of teachers for a day, and even our principal would hand over her keys to the acting student-principal, who would then oversee the activities. We took pride in conducting classes and were even awarded prizes based on our performances. It was a fun and educational experience that brought us closer to understanding the responsibilities of our teachers. Today, in my school, the celebration has evolved. Due to half-yearly exams, the current students conduct a small programme after their exams, while the main event is organised by the alumni. Ex-students return to the school to arrange programmes for us, which is always a heartwarming experience. It reminds us of the lasting impact we have on our students, and it’s a day that fills us with joy and pride.”

Sarmistha Chakraborty, teacher, Akshar School

“Teachers’ Day serves as a reflection of the trust and respect our students have in us, and it’s essential for us to uphold and value that trust. Teachers’ Day is important because it underscores the significance of education beyond just textbooks and exam scores. True education is about the holistic development of a child—nurturing their ability to think independently, form their own opinions, and grow as individuals. As teachers, our main goal should be to guide students in this journey, helping them to become thoughtful and informed members of society. Teachers’ Day is not just a celebration but also a reminder of the essential role we play in shaping the future, and the responsibility we have to fulfill that role with dedication and integrity.”

Ambar Maitra, student, Class 8, Akshar School

“Teachers’ Day holds a special place in my heart, especially because my mother is a teacher. For me, this day is not just about the celebration at school, but also about acknowledging the hard work and dedication that she, and all teachers, put in every single day. I see firsthand the effort my mother invests in her students, and Teachers’ Day feels like a well-deserved moment for all teachers to be celebrated and appreciated for their tireless work. This day is important because it shines a spotlight on those who spend the entire year guiding us, teaching us, and helping us grow both academically and personally. In my school, I’ve been fortunate to have teachers who have made a significant impact on me. They’ve not only helped me become more disciplined but also encouraged me to develop better reading habits, which I know will benefit me in the long run. Teachers’ Day gives us a chance to reflect on how much our teachers do for us. It’s more than just a day of giving flowers or cards; it’s about truly appreciating the role they play in shaping who we are and who we will become. For me, it’s also a day to make my mother feel proud and to let her know how much I value the work she does as a teacher.”
