Campus Torture
The horrific case of ragging and torture at a nursing college in Kerala is yet another grim reminder of the deeply ingrained culture of abuse in educational institutions.
This year human resources business has taken considerable measures of soul seeking about the way culture, execution and learning and development issues were taken care of in organisations. The coming year is about to witness another huge inner move, but this time the attention is towards developing innovative learning platforms and how they are utilised to discover, interface, supplant and draw in individuals, and what to do when it happens. This disruptive technology will be seen implemented by various conglomerates globally.
These are the three greatest learning and development patterns that will be an additional task to look out for by HRs in India:
Assisted learning intelligence: This system brings the learning one need and helps transcend the conventional platforms. It casts a wide net within the organisation and across the web to collate learning material on any subject. It co-relates one’s learning behaviour with the help of internet and uses an intelligent algorithm to focus, vet and filter what it has collected, presenting the most essential one.
Reinvention of corporate learning and development technology: Another type of corporate learning apparatus which the organisations are planning to implement in the coming year is introducing new edge learning and development technology for their employees. These technologies incorporate the experience stages, marry it with modernised learning and development frameworks and new Artificial Intelligence based frameworks to prescribe, discover and convey learning. More intelligent and quick-witted advancements will enable us to discover on-the-go, bite-sized learning. The innovative learning and development platforms in India will give employees a certain degree of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making.
Micro learning at work: In 2018 micro learning is expected to go full-tilt with super curated content and new age platforms. Organisations have felt the need to implement new technology platforms for micro learning which is seen as a bridge between more extensive programs of learning and development and supporting employee functioning inside the workflow of a normal day. There lies a huge opportunity to streamline or even remove existing courses and replace with shorter but engaging and richer content which learners.
It’s the right time for corporate organisations worldwide to use AI and ALI to pinpoint content to a learner and provide a capability index for every individual in the organisation. The companies that embrace the technological revolutions and become flexible content curators will benefit and lead the way for others. It takes thoughtful research and analysis to determine which particular innovations will make a positive and sustainable difference in the life of the employees.
The writer is director, Skilldom Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd