Curious engagement of phenoxyacetic acid with plants and soil
Among the various derivatives of phenoxyacetic acids, 2,4-D (salts and esters) and MCPA (salts) are widely used as herbicides.
Among the various derivatives of phenoxyacetic acids, 2,4-D (salts and esters) and MCPA (salts) are widely used as herbicides.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), often a subject of fascination, speculation, and fear, is not inherently dangerous. It is, rather, a potent tool that can either enhance human potential or become a source of unintended harm, depending entirely on how it is wielded.
India is at the forefront of a global shift towards sustainable energy, showcasing significant progress in its renewable energy journey.
On 23 November 2021, the 194 member states of UNESCO adopted the recommendations on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. The recommendation provided a basis for making AI systems work for the good of humanity, individuals, societies, the environment, and ecosystems and to prevent harm.
Recently Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) has captured the attention after multiple cases were reported from China and more recently, cases in India. However, should you be anxious about this new virus and is it as dangerous as that of COVID-19? And what one can do to protect themselves and their loved ones from the virus?
Once hailed as the saviour of billions of hungry Indians, the semi-dwarf High Yielding Rice varieties ( HYV) are now here, and they are being denounced as a harbinger of destruction.
The Encyclopedia of Social Work by Oxford University Press defines energy poverty as a ‘lack of access to adequate, high-quality, clean, and affordable forms of energy or energy systems’.
The first five years are a whirlwind of growth for a child's brain, shaping their future learning, behaviour, and emotional well-being. During this critical period, child development and mental health are intricately linked, like a complex symphony.
Modern chemosterilants belong to two groups differing in the mechanism of their action: antimetabolites and alkylating agents.
Kerala is once again in the news for an extreme weather event, as its Wayanad district reels from destruction wreaked by one of the most devastating landslides triggered by incessant monsoon rains.