Artificial intelligence, education and cyber security
A seminar on “AI in Education and Cyber Security” was recently organised by the Bharat Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Bankim Sardar College at Bharat Chambers, Kolkata.
A seminar on “AI in Education and Cyber Security” was recently organised by the Bharat Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Bankim Sardar College at Bharat Chambers, Kolkata.
The International Temples Convention and Expo was recently held at Tirupati. This monumental event brought together temples from 58 countries, representing Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism.
The climate of Assam is poised for significant changes by 2040, a shift that could severely impact the state’s economy, ecosystems and public health.
Hoping against hope, India is looking at commissioning the ambitious Kaladan project connecting a port in Rakhine (Arakan) state of western Myanmar with the landlocked far eastern part of Bharat through the water and land routes for regular trading.
Yellow fever is a menacing disease which has caused the death of enormous numbers of people in the past.
The phrase ‘the workforce is changing’ is often tossed around, but the truth is far more fundamental. The technological revolution has profoundly transformed human existence, and the working environment is no exception.
To commemorate a historic international collaboration with South Korea's Kyungdong University (KDU) Global, the Training and Placement Cell of Budge Budge Institute of Technology, Kolkata, organised a seminar on 11 February.
Looking at promising prospects of the education sector, here are the trends and opportunities that will be shaping 2025.
Rajshri’s first-ever web series Bada Naam Karenge premiered on SonyLIV on February 7.
Food is more than just sustenance. It is a reflection of culture, identity and power. In India, where diversity is celebrated in theory, the politics of food has become a battleground, exposing deep-seated societal hierarchies and divisions.