


Empowering women through literature

Empowerment is a cornerstone for enabling women to realise their full potential, make informed decisions and actively participate in all aspects of society.

Indian Army and friends in distant lands

The book “Valour and Values: Aligning Military Experience to CSR” by Brigadier Rajiv Williams YSM (Retired) is an intriguing exploration of how, like corporations, the Indian army too engages in a range of activities which are really military versions of CSR.

Indian Army and friends in distant lands

The book “Valour and Values: Aligning Military Experience to CSR” by Brigadier Rajiv Williams YSM (Retired) is an intriguing exploration of how, like corporations, the Indian army too engages in a range of activities which are really military versions of CSR.

Seed balls- A step towards getting the earth greener

According to a report by UNESCO, climate change and human activities like illegal wood cutting and agricultural encroachment have led to a massive decline in the hectares of forest that cover the surface of the earth.