Delivered less than he promised
Belying expectations, the outgoing Chief Justice of India has left behind a mixed legacy, says ASHOK KAPUR
Belying expectations, the outgoing Chief Justice of India has left behind a mixed legacy, says ASHOK KAPUR
Dr Manmohan Singh's association with the Northeast goes beyond political representation—it is a story of deep-rooted ties and sustained efforts to address the region’s unique challenges.
An excerpt from ‘India’s New Right: Powering The Current Wave of Nationalism and Civilisational Revival’
The word Gond is derived from 'Kond', which means green mountains, and tribal people are known as Gondis since they primarily live in Madhya Pradesh's beautiful green mountains.
Held from 24 December to 31 December, Paribesh Bandhab Haat eight-day eco-friendly fair at Mahisrekha, Madhabpur village, Howrah, was organised by the Madhabpur Paribesh Chetana Samity.
The post-war world order is dominated by Eurocenricism, says M Rafiqul Islam
So-called sovereign citizens who question the legitimacy of government are posing problems for governments in America, says Christine Sarteschi
The appointment of a political person as LieutenantGovernor of Delhi militates against the Constitutional scheme, argues Ashok Kapur.
Experts believe upon the prolonged regular use of the same fungicides, pathogens often become adapted to them, and their resistance to the fungicide used grows.
With the correct administration, monitoring and supervision, AI can overcome human limitations and guide us towards a brighter and more hopeful future.