Almost a decade back, come summers and Delhi roadsides would be invaded by water trolleys ~ a big metal box with a pump, mounted on a cart, on which was written, “Machine ka thanda Paani (Cold water from machine)”. Those days, there were very few options available to quench one’s thirst in the boiling heat. And these water carts were like a boon for Delhi’ites.
Those were also the days when there was not much concern about the quality of drinking water. In fact, at homes, one would drink water straight from the tap. That’s unthinkable now! During the hot summer days, a thirsty passer-by headed for a “piao” ~ thatched kiosk stacked with earthen pots of water and someone, usually an elderly woman, dispensing water in a metal pot with a spout through a small window. No glasses were offered and one drank by cupping one’s hands.
Those who were willing to pay for chilled water would flock to the water trolleys, from which water would be pumped out into glasses. Their vendors, mostly migrants from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, would charge 50 paise, and later Re 1, for a glass of water and Rs 2 for lemonade ~ fresh lemon juice would be squeezed into the glass of water to which a dash of salt and masala was added.
Now, very few of these carts are visible and not many people go to them, thanks to concerns over hygiene and several thirst quenching options ~ read, cold drinks ~ flooding the market. But the water trolleys are not among those who are ready to give up so easily. The vendors have devised another tactic to lure customers. A few days back, a colleague noticed a trolley, on which the legend read, “RO ka paani” for Rs 2. Since people are now more concerned about safe drinking water, a trolley offering filtered water can certainly attract many customers!