

North East Page

Kaladan dream amidst Myanmar turmoil

Hoping against hope, India is looking at commissioning the ambitious Kaladan project connecting a port in Rakhine (Arakan) state of western Myanmar with the landlocked far eastern part of Bharat through the water and land routes for regular trading.

Rider to the world

She is brave, tough, and energetic—one can describe Meenakshi Das, an Assamese bike rider, like this when she listens to her stories from an adventurous journey across 64 countries alone.

When Paradise comes closer

During our village school days, while we used to graze our cattle on the vast rice field, we often witnessed a glowing series of hills on the northern horizon illuminated by the evening sunlight; it was the Land of the Thunder Dragon, officially known as the Bhutan Kingdom at the eastern Himalayan foothills.

The turf war in the ongoing Kuki

Congress General Secretary K C Venugopal also said that the entire Nation expects a serious intervention from the Union Government and that at least a Prime Ministerial level meeting should have been called in Manipur itself.