Assam’s climate in crisis: Rising temperatures and erratic rainfall pose major challenges by 2040
The climate of Assam is poised for significant changes by 2040, a shift that could severely impact the state’s economy, ecosystems and public health.
The climate of Assam is poised for significant changes by 2040, a shift that could severely impact the state’s economy, ecosystems and public health.
Hoping against hope, India is looking at commissioning the ambitious Kaladan project connecting a port in Rakhine (Arakan) state of western Myanmar with the landlocked far eastern part of Bharat through the water and land routes for regular trading.
She is brave, tough, and energetic—one can describe Meenakshi Das, an Assamese bike rider, like this when she listens to her stories from an adventurous journey across 64 countries alone.
The Meitei tribal community likely admires individuals who consistently represent them in various media spaces.
During our village school days, while we used to graze our cattle on the vast rice field, we often witnessed a glowing series of hills on the northern horizon illuminated by the evening sunlight; it was the Land of the Thunder Dragon, officially known as the Bhutan Kingdom at the eastern Himalayan foothills.
The latest in the opposition to the India-Myanmar border fencing and scrapping of the Free Movement Regime (FMR) is the Naga Insurgent Groups (NSCN-IIM), who have come out strongly against the decision. The NSCN-IM is currently in the process of peace talks with the Government of India.
It was apprehended that the Supreme Court of India would pronounce the verdict in favour of 1971 as the cut-off year to detect and deport all illegal migrants from Assam, as the signatories of Asom Chukti endorsed the same, even though the larger indigenous population expected the judgement in support of the base year, applicable to the whole nation.
Guwahati, northeast India’s biggest city and a sort of “regional capital” for the seven (now eight with Sikkim added) states, is reported to be the second most polluted city in Central and South Asia.
As the crisp air of winter descends on Assam, the region once again prepares to welcome a colourful array of migratory birds from distant lands.
After an eventful journey covering more than thousand years, Asomiya (Assamese) duly receives the status of a classical language. The Union cabinet on 3 October 2024 approved conferring the classical language status to five languages, namely Marathi, Pali, Prakrit, Bengali (Bangla), and Assamese.