

‘She is my muse, and I can see life flow through her eyes’

The ebb and tide of a marriage reflects the mutual growth of two people; such is the story of Santosh Kumar Dey and Tina Dey.

‘She is my muse, and I can see life flow through her eyes’
The ebb and tide of a marriage reflects the mutual growth of two people; such is the story of Santosh Kumar Dey and Tina Dey. They tied the knot on 2 June 2010, promising each other companionship and partnership in both good times as well as in times of uncertainty.

They didn’t have the conventional arranged marriage societally expected in that period of time. The couple struggled with societal expectations in the initial stages of the marriage, but their love conquered all because of their mutual understanding and support. According to Tina, “The journey of love was more than the journey of fondness.” Santosh’s extroverted nature blended with Tina’s introverted ways of expressing herself. Tina claimed that he understood her in ways that she never understood herself.


The couple expressed the struggles as well as the joys of being in a joint family. “The thought of adapting in a joint family was overwhelming at first, but later I realised they cared for me like their long-lost daughter,” said Tina.


The couple faced the most difficult hardship when Santosh lost his job due to unforeseen circumstances. They struggled a lot, both financially and emotionally, during that period of time. He took up tuition and struggled to make ends meet. The responsibility and the expenses of having a child was also a new concept to the couple, and yet they managed and did their level best. “Shaan was our driving force and leading light through our period of financial struggles,” said Santosh, who now has a successful computer coaching center of his own, which he built with his own blood, sweat, and tears.

Santosh said, “She is my muse, and I can see life flow through her eyes.” The bond between Santosh and Tina is rather poetic, believes the members of their family. Santosh painted intricate portraits of both Tina and their child. Tina added, “It’s not that he idealised me, he saw my flaws and found perfection in my imperfections.”  They giggled while talking about their dating period and shared how friendship transitioned to love as time passed. Tina added, “During our fights, he was always the one to break the ice by trying to communicate.”

Now, Tina also teaches students from her locality and tries to financially support their family. With Shaan growing, the couple is now busy with his schooling and tuition classes. Tina talked about how Santosh is a great father, and how easily he emotionally connects with his child and tries to be there for him through thick and thin. Santosh expressed that it was the warmth of Tina’s introverted nature and her sense of justice for the right that taught him resilience and patience. Santosh learned the depth of emotional connection through Tina. Shaan fondly expresses his love for his parents by adding how even when his parents are busy, they still manage to celebrate mundane activities together. He says, “I love it when my father comes home with my favourite chocolate every other day.”

Over the years, Santosh and Tina found a home in each other by growing both in the relationship and on individual levels. While Tina aims to expand her tutoring and help underprivileged children in need, Santosh aspires to grow his coaching center. Their love is not just about momentary passion but lifelong commitment. The couple advises the coming generations that understanding and respect are the building blocks of a relationship, and they can never be overlooked. The resilient story of Santosh and Tina serves as a magnificent example for future generations.
