


Breaking barriers

The Statesman got talking to three individuals on what it means in redefining the game and breaking barriers in their own fields.

Power, prejudice and predators

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive scourge that not only undermines the professional environment but also constitutes a blatant violation of fundamental human rights.

Press, peril and power plays

The press, often hailed as the sentinel of truth and the fourth estate of democracy, holds the sacrosanct duty of disseminating information and ensuring public accountability. However, there have been recurrent instances where those vested with authority, in an attempt to shield their actions from public scrutiny, have sought to stifle or suppress the voice of the media.

Conceptually brilliant

Five restaurants across India that strike a fine three-way balance between great ambience, inspiring food and an interesting conceptual dining experience.

On the lookout for the enemy

All my life I have worried about my “enemies”. My enemy is defined by the dictionary as someone who is actively opposed if not hostile to everything I do and stands in the way of my achieving success and happiness.