

8th Day

Ekalavya’s story is of unquestioned obedience: Sanjukta Dasgupta

Sanjukta Dasgupta, an Indian academic, poet, critic and translator, released her book, Ekalavya Speaks, at The Bengal Club on 6 June this year. Her book is a collection of 86 poems shedding light on the lives of subalterns immersed in discrimination and stigma.

A want to break free

The modern LGBTQI+ rights movement has its roots in the mid-20th century, although the struggle for acceptance and rights dates back much further.

The rickety relic of hand-pulled rickshaws

Talking to The Statesman, Mukhtar Ali, general secretary of All Bengal Rickshaw Union, says, “There are about 3,500 hand-pulled rickshaws today,” which is a significant decline from the 6,000 that plied the streets in 1919.