

8th Day

From the minutiae of everyday lives

Subliminal Poems, Radha Chakravarty's debut collection of poetry traces the artistic journey of Chakravarty revealing her mastery of different forms of poetry.

Facets of existence

The anthology of poems titled "Beyond Here and Other Poems" offers a thought-provoking and profoundly introspective insight into the world as experienced by the poet Bishnupada Sethi, a well-known poet and writer.

Of change and chimera

The week that just went by was dominated by news of boiling, burning Bangladesh. The steady stream of reports flowing in from across the border was interrupted with the news of the death of Buddhadeb Bhattacharya.

Train to Bangladesh

As a reporter, Sujan Dutta took the train to ground zero in 2008, when, as now, Bangladesh had an interim government. He recalls that journey for The Statesman.