Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday said his vision is to develop the Global City Project as the central business district of Gurugram with a focus on modern technology sectors and future oriented industries, low carbon green infrastructure, easy living, skill building, and employment generation.
Chairing the ‘second round table conference’ in Mumbai with the leading real estate developers and real estate focused funds, the CM said this unique, modern urban ecosystem would act as a base for new technology and innovation industries. The conference was attended by DLF, Bestech, Godrej, Myhomes, Max Realty, Bharti Realty etc.
In his address, Khattar said the aim is to put Gurugram on the global map. He said the Global City Project would be developed under the aegis of Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) which is a nodal agency of the government.
In his presentation on the Global City Project. It was highlighted in the
The managing director, HSIIDC, Vikas Gupta said the Global City Project is a mixed land use project which is being developed in Sectors 36B, 37A and 37B in Gurugram along with the under-construction eight-lane Dwarka Expressway in a residential and commercial hub of about 1,003 acres. The area is envisioned to be developed as a ‘city within a city’.
Gupta said this project will serve as a benchmark for future cities in terms of quality of life, infrastructure and environment. He said that the project ecosystem to be built with the motto of live, work and play will provide the workspace of the future, modern retail spaces, residential towers, carefully planned spacious green spaces and dedicated bus corridors, MRTS (Metro), heliport facilities and multi-modal connectivity option.
He said that the project based on transit-oriented development has been done keeping in mind the contemporary planning methodology and the new normalcy after the pandemic.
This apart, special emphasis is placed on specific value propositions to investors in the form of first mover benefits, high return potential, safety of investments, Gupta added.