Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Tuesday said sustainable economic growth is unthinkable without women empowerment, and measures for gender inclusion is the driving factor for social progress and economic growth of any nation.
Addressing the state-level function at Jogindernagar in Mandi district on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Thakur said that the state government is committed towards women empowerment along with gender equality and has taken several steps in this direction.
A separate Gender Budget statement containing details of all major schemes devoted to women’s welfare and empowerment have been presented in the Budget for the financial year 2022-23. The Gender Budget statement would be helpful in monitoring schemes being implemented for women empowerment and will also help in reviewing them in consultation with women beneficiaries of these schemes, he added.
He stated that the state government has decided to provide social security pension to all in the age group 60 years without any income limit.
Besides, Grihini Suvidha Yojna was started in the first budget of the present government to provide free gas connections to needy families and over 3.25 lakh free gas connections were provided under this scheme.
The girls of BPL families are being provided Rs 31,000 as Shagun at the time of their marriage under the Shagun Yojna and under Mukhyamantri Swavalamban Yojna 35 per cent subsidy is being provided to women entrepreneurs.
The CM said monthly honorarium of Anganwadi workers, Anganwadi assistants and Asha workers have been increased considerably. The salaries of sewing teachers, mid-day meal workers, Water Carrier (Education Department), Jal Rakshak, Multi-Purpose Workers, Para fitters and Pump Operators have also been increased significantly.
He further stated that women constitute about 50 per cent of our society and women play the most important role in making a strong and vibrant society. Women always had a top place in our culture and society and during the Covid-19 pandemic women played a major role in checking the spread of this virus as lakhs of masks were prepared by Mahila Mandals and Women Self Help Groups.
50 per cent reservation was provided in PRIs to the women in the state when he was Panchayati Raj Minister, he said, adding there was almost no area and sphere where women had not excelled.