Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Friday condemned the arrest of Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga by the Punjab Police in “an arbitrary manner”.
He also asked the Punjab Police not to succumb to the dictatorial diktats of an outsider. “Remember, Arvind Kejriwal is not your Chief Minister and you are not there to do his bidding”, the former CM cautioned the Punjab Police.
Amarinder said, when Punjab Police should be focused on handling the deteriorating law and order situation and insurgency threat from Pakistan, they are being assigned the job of fixing Kejriwal’s political opponents in other states.
He said, while the police had arrested Bagga today, earlier the Punjab Police had booked Dr Kumar Vishwas and Alka Lamba also. Even the court observed that the case against Vishwas was politically motivated, Amarinder added.
The former CM specifically asked the Director General of Punjab Police to stand up against the misuse of his force. He said, just to satisfy the ego of one person, the police of three states, Delhi, Punjab and Haryana have been placed in an ugly and unfortunate situation. “The only person to be blamed for this is Kejriwal”, he remarked.
Capt Amarinder said, case against Bagga was wrong. “Just because he (Bagga) is critical of Kejriwal does not mean he should be put behind bars,” he observed.
“You are the elected Chief Minister of Punjab and people of Punjab, not Kejriwal, have elected you”, he told Mann while asking him to assert his position and authority. “Act and behave like a real Punjabi leader and don’t be subservient to an outsider who is junior to you in hierarchy and pecking order”.