En-route to match-fitness after he picked up an injury, India’s preferred wicketkeeper in Test Cricket, Wriddhiman Saha, on Tuesday posted a picture in which he is seen at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bangalore. The post also mentioned how he was at the NCA for a “stronger” tomorrow.
“For a stronger tomorrow. At NCA, Bangalore,” Saha chose to caption his picture.
Notably, Saha will be a vital member of the Indian test squad which will tour New Zealand later this month. However, Saha will be required only in the Test series, beginning on 21 February, and he may recover complete fitness till then.
Saha also finds his name in India A’s second four-day match.
Post the New Zealand series, India’s next Test assignment is near the end of the series when India is scheduled to tour Australia. Known for his superb glovework, the Bengal stumper would be keen to make an impact in testing conditions for the Indian players.