Ruturaj Gaikwad, a prominent player for the Chennai Super Kings, married Utkarsha Pawar, his longtime love, on June 3. Their wedding photos have finally surfaced on social media, and they both look stunning on their special day.
As the photo surfaced on the internet the online platforms boomed with the question, who is Utkarsha Pawar? Ruturaj Gaikwad had kept his love life very low-key, so the fans were astonished.
When they professed their love for one another during the IPL 2023 final, as they also posed with MS Dhoni, CSK fans were thrilled to learn about Ruturaj Gaikwad’s girlfriend.
Since then, cricket fans have been curious to learn more about Ruturaj’s fiancée, Utkarsaha Amar Pawar, who plays for the Maharashtra Women’s Cricket team and is also a cricketer.
When Utkarsha Pawar took pictures with IPL star cricketer Ruturaj Dashrath Gaikwad at the IPL Final 2023 on May 29, Chennai defeated Gujarat and won the championship for the fifth time while competing in the final for the tenth time.
An all-rounder, Utkarsha. She bats right-handed and bowls with a right-arm quick delivery. From 2015–16 through 2017–18, she represented West Zone Under–19, Maharashtra Under–19, and West Zone Under–23, respectively. From 2012–13 until 2017–18, she was the Maharashtra Under–19 representative.
Later, Utkarsha took part in senior teams for Maharashtra and the West Zone. She also played for India C in the 2019 Under-23 T20 Challenger Trophy.
Although her name was on the list for the Women’s Premier League (WPL) auction with a starting bid of Rs. 10 lakhs, she wasn’t bought.