Celebrated couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are using the 21-day quarantine period to make the most of it. In the latest development, Kohli can be seen enjoying a haircut from wife Anushka that too with a “kitchen scissors”.
Anushka on Saturday uploaded a video on Instagram where she can be seen giving Kohli a new haircut. She captioned the video: “Meanwhile, in quarantine.”
The novel Coronavirus, which has already been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, has so far claimed at least 19 lives and infected over 850 in India.
Due to the crisis, PM Narendra Modi has announced a 21-day lockdown in the country. Following this, the couple as other Indians is bound to remain at home till April 14, the final day of the lockdown.
The Coronavirus has put the whole world in a halt right now. With more than 27,000 deaths and over 597,000 infected across the globe, the medical staff and personnel in the world are working tirelessly to rescue the people from the virus.
Meanwhile, the sports personalities are also spreading awareness among the people and are in the front seat to acknowledge the selfless efforts of the medical staff and related teams.