Days, after Virat Kohli took to Twitter praising Anushka Sharma’s performance in her latest film ‘Pari’ , photos of Virushka couple reuniting after a month, have surfaced on social media, the duo were spotted at Mumbai Airport on Sunday.
In pictures, which surfaced on social media, Virat can be seen keeping a casual look in a white T-Shirt and blue-jeans, while Anushka was sporting wearing black outfit.
Earlier, Virat Kohli has showered praise on his actress-wife Anushka Sharma’s work in her latest release “Pari”. He has vouched for it as her best work.
“Watched ‘Pari’ last night. Has to be my Wife’s best work ever! One of the best films I’ve seen in a long time. Got quite scared, but so very proud of you Anushka Sharma,” Kohli tweeted on Friday.
Directed by debutant Prosit Roy, the horror film is jointly produced by Anushka’s Clean Slate Films and KriArj Entertainment.
This is Anushka’s third project as a producer after “NH10” and “Phillauri”. “Pari”, which released on Friday, also stars Bengali actor Parambrata Chatterjee.