Indian captain Virat Kohli on Sunday changed his Twitter profile picture and put on the Maharashtra Police logo instead to pay his respect to the corona warriors at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
“Maharashtra Police has stood by citizens through calamities, attacks & disasters. Today as they lead the war against Corona on the streets, I’ve decided to celebrate them by changing my DP here on Twitter to the Maharashtra Police logo. Join me in this endeavour,” Kohli posted on Twitter.
Former India pace bowling veteran Zaheer Khan also joined Kohli in this move and put on the Maharashtra Police logo as his new profile picture.
“Maharashtra Police has stood by citizens through calamities, attacks & disasters. Today as they lead the war on Corona on the streets, I’ve decided to celebrate them by changing my DP on Twitter to the Maharashtra Police logo. Join me in this endeavour,” Khan tweeted.
Earlier, Kohli and his wife actress Anushka Sharma donated Rs 5 lakh each for the welfare of the Mumbai Police amid the emergency situation.
Maharashtra is the worst affected state in the country as far as the pandemic is concerned and even close to 800 police personnel have been infected with the dreaded virus as India continues to battle COVID-19.