India skipper Virat Kohli, on the occasion of his 31st birthday, has penned a letter to his 15-year-old self. The letter, which captures Kohli’s reflections on his teenage years, is also a message for his animated avatar, which will come to the millions of TV & digital screens on Tuesday.
‘Super V’ is an animated series about a 15-year old aspiring cricketer inspired by Kohli’s teenage years. The 15-year-old Kohli discovers that he has superpowers and assumes the responsibility of fighting the looming threat of a super-villain, who can destroy the world. While he vanquishes villains, he also has to deal with the everyday issues that an ordinary teenager faces.
The 12-part series premieres on Kohli’s birthday in 70+ countries across five continents via the Star network and Hotstar.
Kohli, in his letter, advises his 15-year old self to chase his dreams while cherishing his reality. He wants himself to grab every opportunity that comes his way without letting go of a single moment that he can get with his family.
Kohli’s journey in Super V is also inspired by real-life incidents from the Cricketer’s life, so it’s appropriate that Virat himself makes an appearance in every episode to underline what he thinks is the life-lesson in that episode.
His appearance as a ‘sutradhaar’ in Super V is aimed at connecting Virat with young viewers across the country and hopefully help them in a small way in their own personal journeys.
The series aims to emphasise the balance between power and responsibility, freedom and accountability, self-confidence and humility and most importantly, loving yourself and loving others.
Commissioned in 2017, Super V has been produced as a collaboration between Star India, Cornerstone Animation and Baweja Movies.
The series premieres on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. and airs every Sunday thereafter at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Star Plus, Star Sports, Disney Channel and Marvel HQ. The show streams on Hotstar.