Taking a break from field duties, Indian cricket team skipper Virat Kohli is busy fulfilling his social commitments. Days after winning hearts of his fans by coming to receive his wife Anushka Sharma at the Mumbai airport, Virat Kohli is once again winning the internet with his dance moves on song ‘kajra re’, which is Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s item number from the film Bunty Aur Babli.
Here is the video:
However, Bollywood actress-turned-producer Anushka Sharma is not in the video. Meanwhile, star Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan can be seen showing his dancing skills in one of the videos.
Just a few days back, Virat had reviewed his wife Anushka Sharma’s horror thriller ‘Pari. “Watched #Pari last night, has to be my Wife’s best work ever! 🤩 One of the best films I’ve seen in a long time. Got quite scared but so very proud of you @AnushkaSharma”, Virat wrote on Twitter. The tweet had over 10k retweets and 95k likes.
Meanwhile, Indian cricket team led by Rohit Sharma will face Sri Lanka in the opening match of the tri-nation series. Kohli along with some other senior players had been rested from the series.