Amid the Coronavirus spreading its hold over the masses with each passing day, India skipper Virat Kohli and wife Anushka Sharma have requested the people to “stand united” in the “testing times”.
“These are testing times and we need to wake up to the seriousness of this situation. Please let us all follow what’s been told to us and stand united please. It’s a plea to everyone,” Kohli captioned the 51-second-long video on Twitter in which both the Indian skipper and Anushka can be seen urging people to remain indoors and follow social distancing.
Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire nation which has been effected from March 25.
Backing the move, Kohli had said on Tuesday, “As our Honourable Prime Minister, Shri @NarendraModi ji just announced, the whole country is going into a lockdown starting midnight today for the next 21 days. My request will remain the same, PLEASE STAY AT HOME. #SocialDistancing is the only cure for Covid 19.”