In a recent development, Mumbai Police commissioner Param Bir Singh, on Saturday, informed that Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli and wife actor Anushka Sharma have contributed Rs 5 lakh each for police welfare amid the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Thank you, @imVkohli and @AnushkaSharma for contributing Rs. 5 lacs each towards the welfare of Mumbai Police personnel. Your contribution will safeguard those at the frontline in the fight against Coronavirus. #MumbaiPoliceFoundation,” Singh tweeted from his official handle.
Earlier, the star couple had donated an undisclosed sum to the PM CARES fund as well as Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Notably, Maharashtra has the highest number of coronavirus positive cases in the country as they continue to rise each day and show no sign of subsiding anytime soon.