Manu Bhaker on Wednesday shared a screenshot of her holding up the gold medal at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Manu had gone into the multisport event in Gold Coast, Australia with great hopes and she ended up breaking the Games record on her way to the title.
Manu shot 388 points out of a possible 400 to top qualification in the 10m women’s pistol event, beating compatriot and former World Cup medallist Heena Sidhu who came second with a score of 379.
In the final, she shot 240.9 to secure gold. Heena won silver with a score of 234.9. The two Indians were well above the rest of the field with the bronze medal going to Australian Elena Galiabovitch who shot 214.9.
“4 years back shooting happened. 2 years back commonwealth gold happened. This very day,” said Manu in her tweet, tagging Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju.
Later, Manu went through to the final at the Asian Games in the pistol event with a Games record score but failed to win a medal.
She has since taken the shooting world by storm, winning five World Cup gold medals in individual and team events in 2019 and formed a lethal partnership with Saurabh Chaudhary in the mixed team event. The pair are two of the biggest medal hopes for India going into the 2020 Tokyo Olympics which has been postponed to next year.