In IPL many young players have got a chance to show their talent. There are many such young players like Rituraj, Avesh Khan, Venkatesh Iyer who have not only won the hearts of everyone on the basis of their unmatched innings and their skills but have also made a good place in their team.
Always a question arises at the time of selection of young players regarding their fitness, talent, and their place in the team. This question has come up again but with an answer. The question has been raised by former Indian cricketer Deep Dasgupta, former wicketkeeper of the Indian cricket team.
Deep Dasgupta has released a video from his official Koo handle and said, “The level of IPL is on the verge of reaching International level cricket, and our Indian players have lived up to this level. In saying this, there is no doubt that they will be able to make the country proud at the international level. The talent of the players of our team is really commendable”.
In his video, he has also praised the amazing performance of Rituraj Gaikwad, Venkatesh’s batting skills.
Keeping a big point in this whole matter, former cricketer Deep Dasgupta also said that BCCI needs to find good talent in the coming times and for this, they can use cricket clubs or local bodies.
BCCI cannot depend only on (Local Body). The best way for this is to make BCCI Academy Contracts (Academy Contract). With this formation, they will be able to select players from under 18 and 19 and give them complete training and the same players will be able to further confirm their place in the team.
With this, not only will we be able to ensure the players in batting or bowling, but we will also be able to make them all-rounders also.
Deep Das Gupta said that as Indian team captain Virat Kohli has decided to step down from the captaincy after the T20 World Cup. In such a situation, BCCI should bring talents like him to the fore and give them the full opportunity to show their talent.