Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) player T Natarajan has tested positive for COVID-19 during a scheduled RT-PCR test ahead of the team’s match against Delhi Capitals later on Wednesday. The player has isolated himself from the rest of the squad. He is currently asymptomatic.
An IPL media advisory issued on Wednesday said that “The medical team has identified the below mentioned six close contacts of the player, who have also been placed in isolation: 1. Vijay Shankar – Player; 2. Vijay Kumar – Team Manager; 3. Shyam Sundar J – Physiotherapist; 4. Anjana Vannan – Doctor; 5. Tushar Khedkar – Logistics Manager; 6. Periyasamy Ganesan – Net Bowler.
“The rest of the contingent including the close contacts underwent RT-PCR tests at 5 am local time this morning and the test reports are negative. As a result, tonight’s game between Sunrisers Hyderabad and Delhi Capitals will go ahead at the Dubai International Stadium, Dubai,” the statement added.