After ensuring India win yet another home series, Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli celebrated his success in some very special company. Notably, Kohli along with his wife and top Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma dined with star Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri and his wife Sonam Bhattacharjee at their residence in Bengaluru.
Sonam even shared a picture of the two star couples on Sunday with a heartfelt caption.
“No phones (till we picked one up for this picture), no glance at the clock. Just four such different people speaking about everything under the sun. Was lovely hosting the two of you for dinner. You two are all kinds of wonderful!” she chose to caption the image.
Anushka Sharma was quick to respond to the post as she commented, “We had such a beautiful evening that don’t be surprised if we land up at your house uninvited next time.”
It is worth highlighting that Virat and Sunil share quite a jovial relationship. Many times they both have gone on record claiming that they appreciate each other.
When Chhetri had posted a video urging the fans to come to the stadium to support the football team, Virat had also made a video trying to convey the same message and reach a larger set of audience.
Virat will now fly to New Zealand where India is scheduled to play five T20 Internationals, three ODIs and two Tests.