Former Indian star cricketer, Yuvaraj Singh’s wife Hazel Keech is celebrating her 33rd birthday on Friday. The glamorous couple is in New York to celebrate the special day. Yuvi took to Instagram to post a picture in which he can be seen chilling along with his wife in front of the iconic Statue of Liberty in New York on Friday.
Yuvi wished his wife, “Have a great day my love.” Besides, wishing his wife, Yuvraj also took the opportunity to take a funny dig at her as he thanked his wife for taking him out on a “freezy day. ”
“Hey hazey it’s your bday ! Thank you for taking me out on a freezing day, only cause it’s your bday. have a great day my love,” Yuvraj captioned the post on Instagram.
The Player of the tournament of ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 announced his retirement from cricket in 2019 and since then has been participating in various T20 competitions across the world.