The suspended Haryana junior athletic coach, who has accused state BJP minister and former India Hockey team captain Sandeep Singh of sexual harassment, on Thursday alleged that she was being pressured to withdraw her complaint. The coach also accused Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar of “insulting the daughter of Haryana” by allowing Singh to continue as a minister in his government and terming her allegations against him as false.
“I am being pressured to withdraw the complaint. I am a victim, but I am treated worse than even an accused. The real accused continues to be a minister in the government. Right from day one, this government is trying to save Sandeep Singh. But I have taken a stand and I will fight for my rights,” the woman coach said.
“Chief minister (Manohar Lal Khattar) sir allows Sandeep to unfurl the national flag on Independence Day, despite being aware of the allegations against him… the chief minister is hounding and insulting the daughter of Haryana by dismissing my allegations as false.
Her press conference came days after Haryana sports department Director Yashendra Singh suspended the lady coach. The suspension order, dated August 11, was delivered to the coach at her residence and read “The services of the junior athletic coach are suspended with immediate effect without prejudice.
The junior athletic coach had in December last year accused the BJP leader of sexual harassment. Following her complaint, the Chandigarh Police registered an FIR against Singh for stalking, illegal confinement, sexual harassment, and criminal intimidation.
The woman coach had said that Sandeep first met her in the gym and started stalking her on social media. He then started asking her to meet him. After his repeated requests, she finally agreed to meet him for some office-related work. During the meeting, the coach alleged, Singh sexually harassed her.
Following her complaint, Singh resigned as minister of sports and youth affairs on moral grounds. He, however, continues to hold the portfolio of Minister of State, Printing and Stationery in the Khattar government.
The Statesman reached out to Singh on the phone and through text and WhatsApp messages, but he is yet to respond. The story will be updated if and when the BJP leader responds to our calls and messages.