Indian batting legend Sachin Tendulkar on Friday recalled his stint with the English county club Yorkshire as a 19-year-old in 1992. He mentioned that it was his time with the club that helped him gain exposure than in turn improved his game.
Tendulkar became the first overseas player ever to play for Yorkshire in the history of the club.
“Flashback to my county cricket days! As a 19 year old cricketer, playing for @Yorkshireccc was a special stint as it helped me gain exposure & better understanding of English conditions. Fond memories! #FlashbackFriday,” Tendulkar said in a social media post on Friday.
A teenaged Tendulkar left a significant impact in County season as he scored 1,671 runs in 35 matches across all formats with the help of two centuries. The 92′ season was the only time the master batsman participated in County cricket during his 24-year-long international career.