Former India cricketer Farokh Engineer, who had allegedly accused Anushka Sharma of receiving preferential treatment from the Indian cricket team selectors, has apologized to the Bollywood star, saying it was all a “jest” and he didn’t mean to demean Anushka.
Earlier in his interview with TOI, Farokh Engineer had claimed that Anushka Sharma was served tea by the selectors during a game in the World Cup. However, the 31-year-old actor lashed out at Farokh after the latter’s comments, repudiating the claims.
Clarifying his comments further, Farokh said that he was taking a jibe at the selectors and not Anushka Sharma.
“I just said it in a jest and it’s being made a mountain out of a molehill. Poor Anushka has been dragged into it, she is a lovely girl. Virat Kohli is a brilliant captain and coach Ravi Shastri is extremely good. The entire matter is being blown up unnecessarily. It turned out to be a selector as he was wearing an all India blazer,” said Farokh Engineer to Republic TV.
Though Anushka, on Thursday, took to Twitter to clarify everything, the apology of Farokh puts an end to the fiasco.
See what Anushka said:
“The latest version of this ill-intended lies is that I was being served tea by selectors at matches during the World Cup! I came to one game during the World Cup and sat in the family box and not the selectors’ box as reported. But when has the truth mattered when it is about convenience! If you want to have a comment on the selection committee and their qualifications, please do so as it’s your opinion but don’t drag my name into it to substantiate your claim or sensationalize your opinion. I refuse to allow anyone from using my name in such conversations”, wrote Anushka Sharma on Twitter.