Golden boy for India in Men’s Javelin Throw at the Tokyo Olympics 2020, Neeraj Chopra, on Wednesday said he is yet to decide about taking over as head of Centre of Excellence, in Panchkula, in a post offered by the Haryana government as winning medals in upcoming events remains his only priority.
The gold medal winner, Chopra travelled to Chandigarh this morning to meet Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar. He had earlier skipped the state government’s honouring ceremony held on 13 August in Panchkula and Chopra’s father had attended the same on his behalf.
In a tweet, the Haryana CM said he had offered Chopra the post of Centre of Excellence, in Panchkula to prepare the state’s sportspersons for the Olympics. But when asked about his plans on taking over as head of Centre of Excellence, in Panchkula, in a post offered by the state government after his achievement in the Tokyo Olympics, Chopra said, “I will think about this. I will try my best to promote sports in the country. Right now, my target is to bring a medal in the World Championship next year. I have tournaments scheduled including Commonwealth Games.”
Asked if he has plans to leave the Indian Army and join the Haryana government, Chopra said: “As I said, my plan is to bring more laurels for the country, nothing beyond that.”
“I thank the Haryana government for taking proper care of players. I must appreciate the state sports policy. It was a dream come true and I hope this gold medal would motivate youngsters and the coming generation,” he added.
On reports that he was getting exhausted due to series of felicitations and functions since his return to India, Chopra said “My health is fine. I am taking proper care and will take all necessary precautions. I am looking forward to restarting practice,”. He reportedly got unwell on Tuesday and had to leave one of the events mid-way.
His family member claimed Chopra has not been sleeping more than two to three hours and that has made him unwell. “My health is fine. I am taking proper care and will take all necessary precautions. I am looking forward to restarting practice,” added Chopra.