Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma was recently trolled for posing with Virat Kohli and Co. in a photograph. On Tuesday, the official Twitter handle of Board of Cricket for Control in India (BCCI) posted a picture of Team India at the High Commission of India in London.
Here is the photograph.
The presence of Anushka Sharma in the photograph has irked many cricket fans as she was the only relative of a cricketer present during the official visit. However, BCCI has now clarified that no protocol was broken as she was invited by the Indian High Commission. In fact, all the players along with their family members were invited to the gathering.
“This is the norm wherever the team travels. The High Commission invites the players with their relatives and it is eventually the decision of the individuals. Even in London, the players were invited along with their partners. There has been no breach of any protocol,” a source in the BCCI told Hindustan Times.
“Anushka Sharma came to the reception for the Indian cricket team at the invitation of the high commissioner and his wife. The reception was hosted by the High Commissioner and his wife and not the High Commission. The group photo was taken as the team were entering the house. Ajinkya Rahane may have stood at the back on his own He wasn’t asked to stand there. The reception was at the high commissioner’s residence and not at the high commission,” the BCCI source was quoted as saying by HT.