Star Indian Table Tennis player Manika Batra has climbed 3 spots to reach her career best 35th ranking. This comes after the updated rankings were released by the International Table Tennis Federation on Wednesday.
The star Indian Paddler Manika Batra gave a splendid performance in the Asia cup the previous year in November.
Batra won a bronze medal for India in the Asia Cup. She faced World Number 6 Hina Hayata of Japan and World No. 7 Chen Xingtong of China and brought glory back home.
She not just became the first Female Tennis player to get a podium finish at a continental competition but also the second player in the history of Indian Table Tennis to win a medal.
Previously Chetan Baboor was the only Indian Table Tennis play to have claimed a bronze medal in the year 2000 and also a silver in 1997.
The new ranking list is topped by Chinese Paddler SUN Yingsha and also the top 4 players including Yingsha are from China.