Basketball icon Kareem Abdul-Jabbar finds himself in the hospital at the age of 76, recovering from a broken hip sustained during an unfortunate incident at a concert in the Los Angeles area. Abdul-Jabbar’s long-time business partner, Deborah Morales, took to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, to share the disheartening news with fans. In a statement posted on the famed athlete’s account, Morales revealed, “Last night while attending a concert, Kareem had an accidental fall and broke his hip. He will have surgery today.”
Expressing gratitude for the outpouring of support, Morales extended her thanks to the Los Angeles Fire Department for their prompt on-site assistance during the mishap. She also acknowledged the remarkable efforts of the medical team and doctors at UCLA Hospital, who are currently overseeing the care of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Despite the distressing circumstances, Morales did not divulge further details about the concert or the specific nature of the accident. The incident follows closely on the heels of Abdul-Jabbar’s revelation in February, shared with People magazine, about his diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. The basketball legend disclosed experiencing irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and a persistent lack of energy and stamina over the preceding years.
Atrial fibrillation, a heart condition characterized by an irregular and often rapid heart rate, can manifest symptoms such as chest pain and light-headedness, according to information from the American Heart Association. Abdul-Jabbar’s recent health challenges add another layer to the storied career of the NBA star, who was drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks in 1969 and secured his first championship with the team in 1971. His tenure with the Bucks continued until 1975, after which he transitioned to the Los Angeles Lakers.