Players of the Indian cricket team will wear black armbands on day three of the ongoing First Test against the West Indies. The black armbands will be in worn during the match at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium in Antigua as a mark of respect for the former Union Finance Minister and former Board of Control for Cricket India (BCCI) Vice-president Arun Jaitley.
Jaitley, who was one of the longest-serving Presidents of Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) from 1999-2013, breathed his last on Saturday after a prolonged illness.
“Anirudh Chaudhry (BCCI President) felt that the players should wear black armbands as a mark of respect for the man who played a pivotal role in BCCI administration and the board came together to back the idea,” a senior BCCI functionary told IANS.
“Deeply saddened to hear about Jaitley Ji’s passing. If there was one thing that was apparent whenever you’d meet him, it was a sense of love with which he mentored those he took under his wing. I have had the opportunity and the good fortune to work with him at various forums at the BCCI and every interaction was a peek into a brilliant mind. He had a phenomenal capacity to read a situation and give invaluable advice and I think that is what made him the go-to person for everybody in the political and cricketing world.
“He had a wonderful sense of humour and the ability to reduce any situation, no matter how complicated, to a single sentence. I learnt from him and grew with every interaction with him and I know he looked out for me. His passing is a personal loss for me and I will always remember him fondly. I offer my condolences to the family,” he added.
BCCI had also made a public announcement mourning the demise of the former cricket administrator.
“The Board of Control for Cricket in India condoles the sad demise of its former Vice-President and a former IPL Governing Council member, Arun Jaitley. A remarkable statesman, Jaitley was a passionate cricket follower and will always be remembered as one of the most able and respected cricket administrators,” the release read.
“During his long tenure as the President of the Delhi & District Cricket Association, he brought about a tremendous change in the cricketing infrastructure. A close friend of the cricketers, he always stood by them, encouraged them and supported them in their quest for excellence. The BCCI shares the pain and grief of the Jaitley family and prays for the departed soul,” it added.
(With inputs from IANS)