The two match Test series between India and Bangladesh is set to begin on Thursday with the first Test scheduled to be played between 14-18 November at Indore’s Holkar Stadium. Indian captain Virat Kohli has joined the team for the Test series after being rested for the T20I series. Kohli has in fact resumed his duties and has reached Indore on Monday to participate in the first test.
146 runs behind Sourav Ganguly
Joining the team after a 15 day break, Virat Kohli will have a chance to go past Sourav Ganguly in this series itself. If Virat manages to score as many as 147 runs then he will get past Sourav Ganguly’s tally of runs in Test match cricket. Virat currently has as many as 7066 runs against his name while Ganguly managed 7212 runs in his Test career.
Can surpass Greg Chappell
Apart from Ganguly, Virat Kohli can easily go past former Australian cricketer and Indian coach Greg Chappell’s record. Virat needs 45 runs to past Greg Chappell who has managed 7110 runs in his Test career. Apart from that, Virat needs 107 runs to go past former Kiwi batsman Stephen Fleming.
The two match Test series is going to be special
The second Test match of the series is going to be a Day-Night Test- the first ever pink ball test match for both the countries which makes the series all the more special.