The Haryana government has shocked the national sports fraternity by issuing a notification asking sportspersons from the state to hand over one third of their earnings from professional events and endorsements to the Haryana Sports council.
The notification, dated April 30, states that the money thus collected from sportspersons will be used for development of sports and budding talent in Haryana.
“One-third of the income earned by sportspersons from professional sports or commercial endorsements will be deposited with the Haryana State Sports Council, amount to be used for development of sports in the state,” the notification read.
The move has drawn wide condemnation with several athletes criticising the state government.
“This new rule makes a mockery of sportspersons. There is no such rule for cricketers who earn much more than those from other sports. Cricketers make a lot of money from endorsements, but those from other sports like boxing, kabaddi and wrestling do not earn much,” star wrestler Geeta Phogat told a television channel.
“If we give up a third of our earnings, it will not be feasible for us. In such a scenario, what will be left for us?” she asked.