Gatorade India on Thursday announced the appointment of ace sprinter Hima Das as its brand ambassador. She joins athletes PV Sindhu and Neeraj Chopra as the brand’s ambassador in the country.
The brand will be paying tribute to the sprint runner by giving a new twist to its ‘Nothing Beats Gatorade’ philosophy.
Gatorade India will also work with Hima Das during the period of partnership to understand her training and race-day nutrition better.
Speaking about the partnership, the athlete said: “I am honoured to join the Gatorade family which consists of sporting legends across the world. I am looking forward to working with them to understand my hydration requirements and using the insights to better my athletic performance.”
Announcing the partnership, Tarun Bhagat, Director-Marketing, Hydration and Cola, PepsiCo India said: “We are delighted to welcome Hima Das into Gatorade’s family of athletes.”
“Hima personifies the spirit of the brand through her persevering attitude and unwavering spirit to win. We believe that Gatorade is the perfect fuel to partner with Hima Das as she sets out to achieve new accolades for the country,” he added.