

Following the instructions only way to combat coronavirus: Lionel Messi

The WHO has now declared Europe as the epicentre of the coronavirus with more reported cases and deaths than the rest of world combined, apart from China.

Following the instructions only way to combat coronavirus: Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi file image. (AFP PHOTO / Pau Barrena)

In the wake of the novel coronavirus, Barcelona forward Lionel Messi on Saturday asserted that following the instructions of both health organizations and public authorities is the only way to combat the pandemic effectively.

The Argentine also advised everybody to be responsible and stay at home.


“Health must always come first. It is an exceptional moment and you must follow the instructions of both health organizations and public authorities. Only in this way can we combat it effectively,” said Messi in an Instagram post in Spanish.


“It is the time to be responsible and stay at home. Hopefully, we can turn this situation around as soon as possible,” he added.


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Son días complicados para todo el mundo. Vivimos preocupados por lo que está ocurriendo y queremos ayudar poniéndonos en el lugar de aquellos que peor lo están pasando, o bien porque les afectó directamente a ellos o sus familiares y amigos, o porque están trabajando en primera línea para combatirlo en hospitales y centros de salud. Quiero enviarles mucha fuerza a todos ellos. La salud debe ser siempre lo primero. Es un momento excepcional y hay que seguir las indicaciones tanto de las organizaciones sanitarias como de las autoridades públicas. Sólo así podremos combatirlo de manera efectiva. Es el momento de ser responsable y quedarse en casa, además es perfecto para disfrutar ese tiempo con los tuyos que no siempre se puede tener. Un abrazo y ojalá consigamos darle vuelta a esta situación cuanto antes. #QuedateEnCasa #StayAtHome

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Notably, the World Health Organization (WHO) has already declared the virus a pandemic, which has claimed more than 5,839 lives and has infected over 156,790 people.

The WHO has now declared Europe as the epicentre of the coronavirus with more reported cases and deaths than the rest of world combined, apart from China.

