Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to switch off electric lights and use diyas, candles and mobile flashlights instead at 9 pm for 9 minutes on Sunday, India skipper Virat Kohli said that “a prayer in unity does make a difference”.
“A prayer in unity does make a difference. Pray for every being and stand together,” said the India skipper reweeting a post of actor wife Anushka Sharma.
To help the countrymen fight the deadly coronavirus, Kohli and Anushka had on March 30 pledged their support to the Prime Minister and the Maharashtra Chief Minister’s relief funds.
Though the couple did not disclose the amount, a source in the Bollywood industry close to the duo told IANS that Virat and Anushka have jointly donated Rs 3 crore towards the cause.
“Anushka and I are pledging our support towards PM-CARES Fund & the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund (Maharashtra). Our hearts are breaking looking at the suffering of so many & we hope our contribution, in some way, helps easing the pain of our fellow citizens #IndiaFightsCorona,” Kohli had tweeted.
The virus has claimed at least 118 lives and affected over 4,314 in India so far as per the Worldometer.