Former India pace bowlers Chetan Sharma, Abey Kuruvilla, and Debashish Mohanty have been picked in the senior national selection panel and they would replace Sarandeep Singh, Jatin Paranjape, and Devang Gandhi, whose tenures ended in September this year, it was announced on Thursday.
The trio will join former India left-arm spinner Sunil Joshi and pace bowler Harvinder Singh who were picked as selectors in March, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) said in a statement.
“The committee further recommended Mr Chetan Sharma for the role of Chairman of the senior men’s selection committee based on seniority (total number of Test matches). The CAC [Cricket Advisory Commitee] will review the candidates after a one-year period and make the recommendations to the BCCI,” it said.
The CAC, comprising Madan Lal, Rudra Pratap Singh, and Sulakshana Naik, had on Thursday met virtually and conducted interviews to select three members of the senior selection committee.