The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) issued a stern warning to Tanzim Sakib on Tuesday. They advised him to refrain from posting content on social media that could harm public sentiments. This decision follows a series of anti-women posts made by Tanzim. Social media users criticized his posts for their misogynistic nature.
In one of his Facebook status updates, Tanzim cautioned men. He warned them about the potential consequences of marrying a woman who socialized freely with male friends at a university.
Another post asserted that if a wife were to work, it would lead to the downfall of the family, the deterioration of modesty, and societal ruin. He went on to claim that a working wife would compromise the rights of her husband, children, and her own elegance.
In response to Tanzim Sakib…
Upon the revelation of these posts, Jalal Yunus, the Chairman of BCB’s cricket operations, expressed concern for Tanzim and his family. They were in astonishment by the situation and offered their apologies. Given Tanzim’s status as a young cricketer and with the impending World Cup on the horizon, the BCB decided to issue a warning.
Jalal Yunus remarked that the BCB would closely monitor Tanzim’s behavior in the future. The board made their decision to issue a warning. This decision was influenced by his young age. It was also motivated by the need to ‘uphold the integrity’ of the sport.
However, they made it clear that any recurrence of such behavior would result in disciplinary action against him.
Feminist activists in Bangladesh assert that the cricketer’s achievements hold no significance if he harbors anti-women attitudes.
Tanzim Sakib responded to the controversy and public backlash by tendering an apology. He apologized for the offensive Facebook posts he had made in the past. This apology came out in light of questions raised about his sense of social justice.