Indian world-cup winning fast bowler S Sreesanth has showered praise on legendary Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar’s son Arjun. He proclaimed further that the 20-year-old will definitely play for India in the time to come. Sree also said that Arjun has a brilliant bowling action as well as a great rhythm which can help him achieve his goal of representing India.
Arjun was picked by Akash Tigers Mumbai Western Suburb for the second season of the Mumbai T20 League. The young all-rounder was one of the most high-profile players of the tournament and almost every team did bid for him.
“Thanks a lot Sachin Paaji..u made my day, great to hear from and warm regds to all at home..nd great to c Arjun doing well ..he is got a brilliant action nd great rhythm..he will surly play for India,” the Kerala express stated while replying to Sachin in a tweet.
Sreesanth has till date played 27 Tests and 53 ODIs for India. He even features in 10 T20Is and was a vital member of the team that lifted the ICC T20 World Cup in 2007 in South Africa.